Maximum: the new building with Ponto Urbano stamp

Introducing Maximum, the latest venture by Ponto Urbano. Located at Alameda Silva Rocha in Aveiro, the new residential and commercial building is located in the city centre, enabling several amenities for an active lifestyle. Called Maximum due to its wide amplitude in terms of interior space, this building presents areas above the usual in enterprises… Continue a ler Maximum: the new building with Ponto Urbano stamp
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Maximum: o novo empreendimento com carimbo Ponto Urbano

Apresentamos o Maximum, mais recente empreendimento Ponto Urbano. Situado na Alameda Silva Rocha em Aveiro, o novo edifício habitacional e comercial encontra-se no centro da cidade, possibilitando diversas comodidades de um estilo de vida ativo.
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